To a place that burrowed its way deep into my heart
I fell in love with the rain drops falling in the morning
I fell in love with little hands and little faces bright with smiles
I fell in love with red soil covered feet and running barefoot through the village streets
As i write this and look back, I can't wait for the day I set foot back onto that beautiful soil of yours.
No matter where I travel in this big ole world.. Africa will always hold something extra special.
Something you can't quite explain.
Something undeniably beautiful
Something almost magical..
People go to change this place and make a difference.. but do I dare say it's quite the opposite.
It changes you. Down to your very core. In the very best way possible.
So..... to the place I love
All I have to say is, Thank you.
Thank you to those incredibly precious young ins who showed me what true love really means
Who taught me that possessions and money matter CRAP when you have each other.. and a newspaper soccer ball really is the best toy.
I miss the sounds of little giggles coming from the village houses as I walked by
Little hands pulling on my skirt saying "Azungu, azungu".... and only moments later.. "auntie play with us."
I'm counting down the days til we meet again.
and I pray that every soul on Earth finds their way onto your soil to experience what I've fallen in love with.
These moments here. Sorted through thousands of photos to just choose my favorites. these moments. frozen in time forever can't even begin to show what happened during those 2 weeks in October. But, they begin to unravel a beautiful story. The beginning of so many stories. Their stories...
So... to my beautiful Africa.
You touched my soul. Little hands buried their way into my heart forever.
Thank you for showing me how to live simply....but love BIG!
I am forever grateful...